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About fmw / über fmw

From physicist...
Vom Physiker...
über fmw
Why acrylics
Warum Acryl
about fmw / über fmw


Links / Links

Contact & impress(um)

Contact & impress
Kontakt & Impressum


Basses / Bässe

Bass basics
Baß Grundlagen
Bass Basics


Classic styles / klass. Stil

Precious bass
Precious Baß
precious bass

Jaybee bass
Jaybee Baß
jaybee bass


Arrow basses / Arrow Bässe

Arrow bass
Arrow Baß
arrow bass maple / arrow bass ahorn
more Arrow bass
mehr zum Arrow
arrow bass maple / arrow bass ahorn
Arrow ebony
Arrow Ebenholz
arrow bass ebony / arrow bass ebenholz
more Arrow ebony
mehr zum Arrow ebony
arrow bass ebony / arrow bass ebenholz


Sharc basses / Sharc Bässe

Sharc 4 string
Sharc 4 saitig
sharc bass 4 string
Sharc 5 string
Sharc 5 saitig
sharc bass 5 string
Sharc 6 string
Sharc 6 saitig
sharc bass 6 string


Custom Shop / Anfertigungen

Riwa bass
Riwa Baß
riwa bass
more Riwa bass
mehr zum Riwa
riwa bass
Deta bass
Deta Baß
deta bass
more Deta bass
mehr zum Deta
deta bass


Guitars / Gitarren

Guitar basics
Gitarren Grundlagen
Gitarren Basics


Sharc guitars / Sharc Gitarren

Sharc guitars
Sharc Gitarren
sharc Guitarre
more sharc guitars
mehr zu Sharc Gitarren
sharc Guitarre
more sharc guitars
mehr zu Sharc Gitarren
sharc Guitarre
more sharc guitars
mehr zu Sharc Gitarren
sharc Guitarre

Sharc 12 string / 12 saitig

Sharc 12 string guitar
Sharc 12 Saiten Gitarre
sharc Gitarre


Hexa guitars / Hexa Gitarren

Hexa I

Hexa I guitar
Hexa I Gitarre hexa I Guitarre
more about hexa I
mehr zur Hexa I
hexa I Guitarre
more about hexa I
mehr zur Hexa I
hexa I Guitarre

Hexa II

Hexa II guitar
Hexa II Gitarre
hexa II Guitarre
more about hexa II
mehr zur Hexa II
hexa II Guitarre

Hexa III

Hexa III guitar
Hexa III Gitarre
hexa III Guitarre
more about hexa III
mehr zur Hexa III
hexa III Guitarre
more about hexa III
mehr zur Hexa III
hexa III Guitarre
more about hexa III
mehr zur Hexa III
hexa III Guitarre

Hexa I-12

hexa II 12 string
Hexa II 12 Saiten
hexa I 12 saitige Gitarre



Telia guitar
Telia Gitarre
telia Guitarre
Stratia guitar
Stratia Gitarre
stratia Guitarre
Pauline guitar
Pauline Gitarre
pauline Guitarre
Esprit guitar
Esprit Gitarre
esprit Guitarre
Vee guitar
Vee Gitarre
vee Guitarre
Xplora guitar
Xplora Gitarre
xplora Guitarre
Percy guitar
Percy Gitarre
percy Guitarre
Percy 12 strings
Percy 12 saitig
percy 12 saitige Guitarre


Travis guitar
Travis Gitarre
telia Guitarre



4 in 1 guitar
4 in 1 Gitarre
4 in one Gitarre
more about 4 in 1
mehr zur 4 in 1
4 in one Gitarre
Electric sitar
Elektrische Sitar
Elsi electric Sitar
more electric sitar
mehr zur Sitar
Lapsteel guitar
Hawaii Gitarre
STEELY Hawai Gitarre
more about the lapsteel
mehr zur Hawaii Gitarre
STEELY Hawai Gitarre
Sharc Mandoline
Mando-Sharc Mandoline
more about mando-sharc
mehr zur Mando-Sharc
Mando-Sharc Mandoline


Options / Optionen

Light / Licht für

leuchtende Seitendots
leuchtende  Griffbrettdots
Illuminated body
Beleuchteter Korpus
Leuchtender Korpus
Illuminated head
Beleuchteter Kopf
Leuchtender Kopf


Piezo bridges
Piezo Brücken
piezo pickups

Charger / DI box

Charger & DI box
Lader & DI Box
Lader / DI box



Download material
Material zum Download

Download Material



Download Material




Please find here an overview of all pages of our website.

Using the scrollbars you will find all our acrylic basses and guitars. Please click the icons for more details.

You will also find some custom shop models. We will build anything you are missing on demand.

Please find several options like internal led lights and piezo pickups. Many other options (woods, pickup brands etc.) are available on demand.

Please find more information in our download area.

On some pages you can hear some soundtracks recorded on our instruments. Please click "DEMO" button there.